Mamas who Run with the Wolves

Photo by senivpetro from Freepik

We are happy and proud that our Erasmus+ project was granted by the European Union to empower and support mothers with small children.

“(…) the young child needs to become independent out of joy, not out of duty, and it is the responsibility of the adult to warmly and intimately accompany the child on this journey to independence.”

Trice Atchinson and Susan Weber

Nature is the child's natural home.

The relationship is everything.

Play is serious work for the child. We provide free and undisturbed play outdoors in all weather conditions.

Gentle care nourishes the body, mind and soul. Our slow-paced rhythm and little rituals during the playgroup session create a new way of bonding between you and your child.

Photo by Tatiana Syrikova from Freepik

Photo by Allan Mas from Pexels

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